Monthly Archives: September 2016


    Taylor Arrington – Erie’s Emerging Brown Ballerina

    In a city of pink tights and pointe shoes, Taylor Arrington is opening new doors and challenging old ideas and stereotypes. “I want kids to see me and think they can do what I am doing. That is why I love teaching and telling people about dance. I want to open young people up to [...]

    By |2018-08-22T22:05:08-04:00September 23rd, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

      Gallery Night

        DanceBodies: Stillness in Motion In association with the Erie Art Museum. This is going to be FANTASTIC!! Come view the Erie Art Scene after dark. Many art galleries displaying Erie's brightest artist; Including Sovereign Ballet Dancers, Vance Lupher, Chris Adelhardt,, and Oz-Ease Furniture @ the Sovereign Ballet Studio - 2539 W 12th St. [...]

      By |2018-08-22T22:05:08-04:00September 10th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments