2021 Senior, Noelle Weichman

//2021 Senior, Noelle Weichman

    2021 Senior, Noelle Weichman

    Noelle Weichman is graduating from Fairview High School and plans to attend John Carroll University on scholarship.  Noelle is such a precious soul, and I will miss her sweet spirit.  She is always quick to laugh and would often have me busting a gut during those late night, dog-tired, end of the week rehearsals.  She has a larger than life personality and her love for God lights up a room when she enters.  Her beauty and selfless acts of kindness towards all those around her have helped to create a loving atmosphere here of which I am so abundantly grateful.  Thank you Noelle for truly gracing us with you just being you.

    By |2023-03-24T20:34:20-04:00March 7th, 2022|From the Director|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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