A Look Back at Graduating Senior, Myah Frase

//A Look Back at Graduating Senior, Myah Frase

    A Look Back at Graduating Senior, Myah Frase

    Looking back on our graduating Senior, Myah Frase.  She graduated from PA Cyber Charter School in 2020.  She’s a wildly talented dancer with amazing lines that go on for days.  Her seemingly effortless grace as a dancer is only remotely as beautiful as she. Do not be mistaken by her quiet demeanor because she is a powerful young woman filled with faith and humility.  Her determination to push through an obstacle is inspirational and her willingness to never give up, even when things get discouraging, is an encouragement to all of us.  She is quick to give a hopeful word, a helping hand, and to put others before herself.  And although, many may say that this is a sign of weakness to put others before you, others of us know that it’s an example of someone who is confident in whom they are in Christ; that putting others needs first shows depth of character and Godliness; and this is Myah.

    By |2022-03-07T13:27:04-05:00March 7th, 2022|From the Director|1 Comment

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

    One Comment

    1. Carrie May 31, 2022 at 12:57 pm - Reply

      I just saw this. 😭❤️

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