Sovereign Summer 2025

/Sovereign Summer 2025
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Summer 2025

Summer Registration Form

Discover the transformative power of dance in your life! Enroll you or your child in our exceptional dance program and witness growth and development firsthand.  With our expert instructors and beautiful facilities, we guarantee an enriching experience that will ignite you or your child’s passion for dance.  Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to nurture their creativity, discipline, and self-expression.  Join us now and watch your child blossom into a confident and skilled dancer!

Updated 1/30/25

Ages are only a suggestion, determined on prior experience and ability.

Printable schedule:

Summer Registration Form



Something to keep in mind…

Summer is a great time for focusing on training.

Benefits to summer dance training that parents (and our children) probably don’t realize:

  1. Muscle Memory – dancers utilize and strengthen very different muscles than what the body uses for other activities, even active ones like swimming, hiking, and biking. Don’t give up the family vacation! Just plan your trip at more ideal times. There’s plenty of space in the schedule for everyone to enjoy their summer (especially us parents who need to get away from the crazy driving schedule J)
  2. Spurts in Growth and Skill – children go through growth and skill spurts at different times could be in the summer. You definitely don’t want your child to miss out on the opportunity to use new talents after something suddenly clicks. And if they go through a sudden and noticeable growth spurt, it will take time to regain balance and build new muscle memory, it may be frustrating to re-train a body their not used to dancing in.
  3. Ability to Try New Styles of Dance – due to time or affordability, your dancer may not have had a chance to explore other dance genres. This may be a perfect time for your dancer to experience Contemporary Dance; and find out they LOVE it!
  4. A Demonstration of Commitment – if your child speaks seriously about dance and is anxious for a promotion (or looks even farther into the future and feels certain to dance professionally), taking a break over the summer might not communicate that enthusiasm.
  5. Friendship Building – your child most likely has friends in your neighborhood, at church, and/or from school. However, there’s really something to be said for having a friend who know what it’s like to pirouette through the halls or does developpe while brushing teeth. Not only will your dancer have the opportunity to meet new dancers over the summer, they’ll create an even stronger bond with the friends they already have.
  6. Parents Need Their Sanity – I’ve got kids, so I can attest…we are much better parents when we’ve had a break! Would you rather have your kids sitting around playing video games, watching T.V., and fighting with each other, or would you rather they get out of the house to learn, socialize, and expend that abundance of energy?

(excerpts from Laura Gohl, Colorado Ballet Society)

And if your kid comes home from a 5 hour day and they’re still dancing around the house, you’ll know you made the right decision!