2021 Senior, Lily Kons

//2021 Senior, Lily Kons

    2021 Senior, Lily Kons

    Lily Kons graduates from McDowell and will be attending Allegheny College on a full scholarship.  I remember Lily as a little Clara, when I was her stage mom, and never could I have imagined she would grow into such a beautifully intelligent and conscientious young woman who is mesmerizing to watch dance.  It’s been my ultimate pleasure watching her mature as a dancer and hearing the wonderful compliments she would receive from those who are in the dance field. She’s a double powerhouse; she’s a beautiful dancer AND she’s smart!  Literally, THE only thing keeping me together right now is knowing she’ll be back for class because where she goes to school is still closer than where I live! Lily is an inspiration to all the younger dancers, and I am beyond grateful that she will continue to dance here, continuing to give hope and aspirations to the next generation of girls because I can’t go a week without seeing your legs in class.


    By |2022-03-07T13:28:37-05:00March 7th, 2022|From the Director|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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