Alethea Bodine- Teacher Spotlight

//Alethea Bodine- Teacher Spotlight

    Alethea Bodine- Teacher Spotlight

    Alethea, or Lea, Bodine is instructing Pre-Ballet at Sovereign Ballet this year.

    Bodine is a performing artist and musician of nearly 30 years, who has  have dedicated her life to learning as much as she can about dance (and music) and the role it plays in peoples’ lives.
    Bodine founded chromatic dance™ as a dance curriculum and practice for all ages. She said, “It is a movement practice that explores the essence of dance; where movement originates within your body and how movement is related to music, rhythm and culture.”
    chromatic dance™ can also be described as a personal movement study for the body. Some of the dance techniques utilized in training and practice are Western dance forms, such as modern, ballet and rhythmic dance. Eastern movement forms, like yoga and butoh are also incorporated into classes as guided movement explorations. No prior dance experience is necessary in order to attend a chromatic dance™ class – only a willingness to breathe and be empowered by movement.
    When asked about teaching at Sovereign Ballet this year, Bodine said, “Christina Maria is an Erie artist of the highest standing – uncompromising in her vision and passionate about the execution of her work. One of the things I admire most about her and her work, is her ability to patiently pull the most beautiful offerings from her dancers. Ask any dancer that has had the honor of working with her, her quiet determination and will are legendary.  I have always enjoyed working with her for this reason.  She and I have worked on many, many dance projects in Erie over the years and. It is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of the team of Sovereign Ballet.”
    By |2018-09-26T18:24:41-04:00September 26th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

    One Comment

    1. Barb Priestap September 28, 2018 at 4:52 pm - Reply

      I always loved working with Lea. She gets it that s child’s first experience with dance is one of the most important. She’s amazing.

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