God’s Plan

//God’s Plan

    God’s Plan

    Ysabet Luciano

    Ysabet Luciano

    God always has a plan for us.” This is how 15 year old Ysabet Luciano answered the question; what made you want to try dance at an older age?

    Ysabet related the start of her dancing story to a recent Sovereign devotion lesson on how God has a plan for everyone. “Even when you sleep, God is making plans.”

    Ysabet had always dreamed of dancing, but never really had the opportunity. On a Saturday evening last summer, she was talking to a friend (Anna Ackerman) who told her about the dance classes she was taking at a new Christian ballet school. She invited Ysabet to come and try.  Ysabet felt that this was God’s Plan taking form.  Ysabet was in class bright and early that Monday morning.  “I didn’t even have all of the proper clothing! I just knew that I needed to be there.” Ysabet said “After that first class, I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. I even woke up really early the next morning and was all ready for class hours before it started.”

    Ysabet says what she loves most about ballet is how graceful the movements are. Her biggest challenges are her flat feet and flexibility.

    “Ysabet is living proof of the scripture in Ephesians, – ‘God can do anything, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!’” remarks Christina Maria, director of Sovereign Ballet and Ysabet’s teacher. “She’s the first and last one to be working in the classroom.  During (a recent performance of) The Quiltmaker’s Gift, I would find her in a side hallway at the “theatre” practicing a new step she learned in class.  She shared with me that she gets up at 5:00 in the morning to train.  It shows; she’s improving immensely.  Her resolve has actually strengthened my faith.  ~ If I’m willing to do my part, then God can do His.  No matter how hard the work may be.”

    This determined dancer now trains 5 hours per week. Ysabet says the biggest adjustment is time management. “We are a Home School Family, so most of our time is spent at home. Living 25 minutes away from the studio means we are gone for almost 3 hours per evening, that’s a big adjustment, but it’s worth it!”


    Christina Maria and Ysabet Luciano after "The Quiltmaker's Gift"

    Christina Maria and Ysabet Luciano after “The Quiltmaker’s Gift”

    More interesting facts:

    What is your name? – Ysabet Tru Luciano

    How old are you? – 15 years old

    What academic school do you go to? – I homeschool

    How many years have you been dancing? – Around 6 months

    What is your favorite style of dance? – Definitely ballet!

    What is your favorite dance step? – One of my favorites is Grand Jeté. I also like arabesque, attitude and piqué turns.

    What do you like to do outside of dance class? – I love to practice ballet, do my stretches, and basically anything else that has to do with ballet. I also like to read!

    What’s your favorite song to dance to? – The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy


    By Dana Borczon

    By |2018-08-22T22:05:09-04:00March 10th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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