Introducing: Dancer Spotlight!

//Introducing: Dancer Spotlight!

    Introducing: Dancer Spotlight!

    Lauren 6

    An intriguing look at what compels a dancer toward that elusive dream.

    By: Sydnee Groenendaal

    Photo: Rebekah Joan

    Lauren Abbott is a sixteen year old student who has been dancing for fourteen years.

    She moved to Sovereign Ballet when it opened Fall 2014, and her experience has been a

    positive one. Lauren did not have very much training in classical ballet before she came to

    Sovereign Ballet, and several things have helped to smooth the way for her. The thing she likes

    most about Sovereign Ballet is the small class sizes; the other girls in her intermediate level

    have been very welcoming and have helped her learn steps she wasn’t familiar with. She also

    enjoys having director Christina Maria as a teacher. Lauren feels that Christina is very good at

    explaining steps and combinations and makes everything easy to understand.

    Lauren is very focused as a dancer. “I’m really impressed with Lauren because she

    almost instantaneously applies corrections.” says Christina Maria, “She’ll even apply corrections

    that are given to other dancers. I see her standing at the back of the studio observing the other

    dancers and when it’s her turn to dance, there is a marked improvement just from her ability

    to mimic what another dancer has done well. She’s so determined to dance well, it’s a joy to

    have her in class!” Currently, she is enjoying working on her cabrioles, a jump where the legs

    beat in a scissoring motion, “It’s fun to get height and see how many beats you can do” she

    says. Lauren enjoys organization and appreciates that ballet is a structured discipline where

    everything follows a certain order. Her advice to younger dancers would be to “pay attention in

    class and take everything to heart.”

    Lauren is also a student at Collegiate Academy and does very well with her involvement

    in Academic Sports League. When she and her school went to Hawaii last year for nationals,

    some of her friends kept a count of how many times she fell down. Most people assume that

    ballet dancers are graceful at all times, but Lauren says that she can sometimes be clumsy.

    Once she graduates, Lauren wants to continue dancing in college. She’d also like to travel the

    world. Her top pick would be Romania, for the interesting language and architecture. Her current

    plan for college is to major in languages and foreign relations and minor in dance.


    By |2018-08-22T22:05:13-04:00December 11th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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