Introducing Sovereign Ballet!

//Introducing Sovereign Ballet!

    Introducing Sovereign Ballet!

    Sovereign Ballet has been in the making for nearly 20 years!   Many may be wondering why now? What about my association with Lake Erie Ballet after so many years?

    Lake Erie Ballet is very near and dear to my heart. I was among the first dancers hired in 1989 by Robert Steele when Erie Civic Ballet began the professional company. I’ve been associated with LEB in one way or another for 25 years. That’s a long time! Within those years a desire grew in my heart to see God honored through dance. Now, after so many tireless hours of prayer and preparation, the desire has turned to reality, a ballet school offering excellence in dance training as well as nurturing faith of the dancer in Jesus Christ.

    I came to understand that dance is a form of communication. Like in any art form, the more concise the words in literature, the brush strokes in art or the musical notes on a page, the more succinct the message being relayed. If we are to be a doorway for the message of God to pass through, we can’t have anything in the way for those who are receiving it.

    I want to see dancers trained in their physical body as well as their spiritual “body” to clearly relay the message of God, wherever the Lord leads them.

    In addition, the deep passion I have for middle to high school aged people has never been stronger than in the past decade. This is a tumultuous time for so many and I hope that Sovereign Ballet will be that safe haven.

    I wish for nothing but the best for Lake Erie Ballet and as a part of me will always be with Lake Erie Ballet nevertheless, I am very thrilled about the opening of Sovereign Ballet and the possibilities this new endeavor will give to future dancers as well as the world in which they impact after coming through our doors.

    By |2014-06-03T22:34:20-04:00June 2nd, 2014|From the Director|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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