James Dixon: Teacher In Motion

//James Dixon: Teacher In Motion

    James Dixon: Teacher In Motion

    Anyone who knows James Dixon knows he is always in motion. Even when sitting down, James is thinking about movement, often stopping mid-sentence to write it down in one of his infamous notebooks. All one needs to do is look into one of his classes where he is right in the trenches demonstration and sweating it out with his students. Often, you don’t even have to look into the studio. The cadence of his voice scatting out rhythms carries almost out to the parking lot!


    James is not only an active teacher, but an active working dancer as well. Next week James leaves for New Orleans La, to dance with Lula Elzy Dance Theatre. LEDT strives to present a multi-cultural interpretation of dance and music to create innovative new works. LEDT members come from a diversity of cultural and dance backgrounds, and have toured the US, China and Europe.


    “I met Lula Elzy in Dayton Ohio during my 2nd year at Dayton Contemporary Dance Company,” he explains. He was standing at the vending machine and she asked a question about a dance step then, when he had answered her question with both a verbal and danced response, she asked if he would show it to her students. “Months later I was asked through a fellow dancer if I would like to dance for a show with Ms. Elzy in New Orleans…. After a quick conversation about dates the rest was history.” These shows have a strong New Orleans feel to them, seeming to embody the rich history and traditions of the city.

    James pic


    [dance] “style” is very Modern based with influences from African & Horton technique all mixed in with a N’awlins twist….”

    James has come to know and expect the routine the company has, explaining that the company has a week and a few days to review & learn all materials, such as songs, dialogue and choreography, then it’s running the show until the first dress rehearsal. The company is made up of dancers/teachers/artists that Ms. Elzy has contracted. Year after year- show to show, things rotate & change.


    “I’ve learned to pay attention to everyone’s Choreo [choreography] because you never know what part you’ll be doing.” An idea that he often points out to his students about working in the dance and theater business; you never know when something is going to happen, if someone will get sick or injured,  or if your part will suddenly be changed. You have to always be prepared to step in and make your mark. “Thru LEDT I have had the privilege of performing with not only my friends but legends such as Winton Marsalis for the LEDT anniversary performance where I danced his rendition of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” along with Duke Ellington’s, “Nutcracker Suite.” Usually during the holidays, most studios and companies prepare for their annual Nutcracker. This was the first time I had experienced something new & original like this.” He explains.

    This is a wonderful experience and Sovereign Ballet wishes James well and hopes he has a happy and productive trip. This will be his 4th trip to New Orleans.

    By |2018-08-22T22:05:09-04:00August 25th, 2016|From the Director|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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