2015 Electric Tutu 5K

//2015 Electric Tutu 5K

    2015 Electric Tutu 5K

    Electric Tutu Race - 5K Run(Walk - 105243 - FRONT

    Registration Form

    This Neon Glow 5k will ELECTRIFY the Bayfront parkway! The Run/walk will start/finish at Liberty Park on the Bay Front, and loop around beautiful Frontier Park and Arboretum; all while on the scenic bay front bike path.   Wear your brightest, craziest outfits or purchase a neon tutu and glow paint at registration. Shirt and Glow sticks will be included!!

    • $25.00 – early registration (before 08/01)
    • Children under 12 years FREE
    • $30.00 – regular registration (after  8/01)

    day of registration (no t-shirt)

    (t-shirt available for pick-up after  Sept. 15)

    • $10.00 – child t-shirt (until 8/01)

    (t-shirt available for pick-up after Sept. 15)

    • $ 10.00 – “Electric” Glow Tutu
    • $ 10.00  – “Electric” Glow Paint

    get painted in washable glow paint    *while supplies last

    Return completed form and signed wavier with payment to:

    Sovereign Ballet

    2539 west 12th St.

    Erie, Pa. 16505

    Email: borczonster@gmail.com

    Early Packet Pickup at Sovereign Ballet, Fri 8/28 5:00-6:30pm

    Registration and Packet Pick-up will be from 7-8pm at Liberty Park

    Proceeds to benefit Sovereign Ballet Scholarship Fund and

    Exodus Cry; an organization committed to the abolishment of human trafficking.     Exoduscry.com

    By |2018-08-22T22:05:11-04:00June 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Christina Maria Adelhardt is considered one of the leaders in dance of Erie, PA. She arrived here, after dancing with Boston Ballet, as one of the first members of the professional company at Lake Erie Ballet. Training dancers to excel and capture the love of dance is her greatest passion.

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